City News from Cynthia - Late Summer 2018

Two Bridges set to Open

The Traffic Bridge is expected to open early in October, after the crossing was closed 8 years ago.  The bridge will be part of the multi-modal corridor that begins at 8th street and runs along Victoria Avenue toward downtown.

Chief Mistawasis Bridge is also set to open this fall and the parkway, which runs through the Northeast Swale, will have speed reduction in order to protect human and animal life through this conservation area that makes up an ancient river channel.

Budget Update

Our 2019 budget process is underway, and here’s how the numbers look right now:

  • 4 – 4.5% – Indicative tax increase
  • 3.16% – To maintain all current services

I would like to see Council stick to the basics. There are options to increase the budget for sidewalks, snow and ice services, enhance parks and better fund active transportation. Also, the urban forest is under threat from invasive species. Here is the full report

Climate Change Audit

The City’s internal auditors have identified a number of risks to Saskatoon as we try to figure out the best way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the worst effects of climate change.  You can learn more here.

The City will have a number of important decisions to make this fall to address its greenhouse gas reduction strategy.


Some folks in Nutana have had concerns about the decibel levels radiating from the other side of the river during festivals.  A new process is designed to enforce the rules for festival organizers and provide better protection for residents.

Centre Medians

Maintenance on these medians is being reviewed, and I hope to see a better process in place to avoid the impact from drought, weeds and street sweeping/snow cleaning equipment.

Residential Parking Permit Program

The RPP expansion has had a few hiccups, but it is expected to be fully in place within the next two weeks.

Note, a review is underway to try to address the long-term management of parking congestion in neighbourhoods that have RPP designation.


We are working hard to make our heart of the city a place where everyone belongs. Development, active transportation, safety, urban design and maintenance are all high priorities.  You can read more here.

This fall, Council will be asked to make some key decisions to support the Growth Plan, which will have a big impact on how we move around – especially in the downtown.  This includes pedestrian safety, bike lanes, accessibility and Bus Rapid Transit.

Recent interest in the North Downtown has prompted a committee of Council to request a timeline and financial implications to move the City Yards.

A few notes –

I’ll be at the Broadway Street Fair this Saturday, along with representatives from Ward 6 Community Associations.  Our booth will be located adjacent to the grocery store.  You can also find me at the Dunk Tank for United Way at 1:30pm.

A public information meeting to discuss a proposed multi-residential building at the top of the University Bridge (Clarence and College Drive) will take place at Brunskill School on September 13, 7pm – 9pm

The next Coffee with Your Councillor will take place on Thursday, September 20 from 5 – 7pm at the Broadway Roastery.

On a personal note, as of today my husband and I are proud parents of TWO students at the University of Saskatchewan.  Time truly does fly.



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